Who are Connected Persons in relation to a trust?

The net has been cast wide and far on the matter of Connected Persons.

Connected Persons in relation to a Trust are set out as:

  • Any beneficiary of a trust.
  • Any connected person in relation to such beneficiary, in other words:
  • If the beneficiary is a natural person, then any relative (by blood or marriage) will also be connected to the trust, as well as any trust of which such natural person or such relative is a beneficiary
  • Persons who are connected persons in relation to a trust are connected persons in relation to each other, thereby widening the net in terms of the definition of the term “connected persons”
  • If the trust owns 20% or more of a company, all the beneficiaries of the trust will be connected to that company
  • If the beneficiary is a company, then any other company which is held more than 50% by such beneficiary company

For more comprehensive  information contained in SARS Interpretation Note No 67 dated 1  November 2012 visit –  https://juta.co.za/law/media/filestore/2012/11/1_IN_67.pdf




Published On: June 28th, 2018 / Categories: Trusts / Tags: , /

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